PROGRAM EDUCATIONAL OBJECTIVES (PEOs) Program Outcomes (POs) & Program Specific Outcomes (PSOs) BA Economics (Pass Course & Honours)

Vision Statement:
To continously strive to provide quality Education in tune with orientation towards highest academic excellence.
* To provide holistic learning opportunity to the students.
Mission Statement:
* To help the students strive for excellence in the relevant field.
* Not just academic learning but to sensitize students on current socio – economic and political issues.
* To impart critical thinking on the students and make fruitful contribution to the nation building.
Program Outcome:
* To sensitize the student community on consumer awareness programs.
* To learn about the present scenario of the price fluctuation in the market and also visit production units to learn about the demand and supply of the companies and knowing to tackle inflationary situations.
Program Specific:
* To inculcate and equip students with both theoritical as well as practical knowledge in conjuction with their courses.
* To make the students aware of the current challenges facing the economy particularily in the context of Nagaland.


PROGRAM EDUCATIONAL OBJECTIVES (PEOs) Program Outcomes (POs) & Program Specific Outcomes (PSOs) B.A. Education (Pass Course & Honours)


  • Strive to prepare creative, culturally competent, critically reflective graduates who possess deep knowledge in their fields of study and work collaboratively to achieve high quality education for better society.


  • To inculcate in students the spirit of co-operation and mutual understanding.
  • To inspires creativity, learning and freedom of thought, enquiry and expression.


  • To focus on certain major national and social issue and the role of education in relation to them.
  • To understand and appreciate scientific approach to the study of some educational problems.


  • To familiarize with the advance technology and to develop a positive attitude towards the use of ICT in the educational process.
  • To enable the students to acquire adequate knowledge about educational development.


  • To develop a positive attitude towards life and the teaching profession.
  • To acquaint the students to various approaches in organizing vocational skills.



  • It aims to study the connection between the man and its environment.
  • It aims to check the exploitation towards the environment.
  • It aims to maintain the balance in the environment.
  • It aims to educate people about the environmental problems.


  • To spread awareness among the people about environmental problems.
  • To make people know about the impact of environmental degradation.
  • To develop ethical sense of feeling for the environment.
  • To encourage people to protect the environment for future generations
  • To learn thoroughly about the importance of environment.
  • To develop pragmatic ways to curb polluting the environment.
  • To honour the nature for its wide range and variety of supplies for human needs.
  • To explore the importance of physical and biological dimension of environment.
  • To be acquainted with knowledge to foresee the future outcome of any harm done towards the environment.
  • To be able to develop easy ways to eradicate actions that harms the environment.

To educate the uneducated about the importance of environment.

  • To strengthen the foundation of environmental education in the form of manners.
  • To understand about the social, ethical, aesthetic and option value of the nature.
  • To enjoy the benefit of protecting the environment.
  • To pledge to make our environment a better place not only for humans but also for plants and animals.


PROGRAM EDUCATIONAL OBJECTIVES (PEOs) Program Outcomes (POs) & Program Specific Outcomes (PSOs) BA English (Pass Course & Honours)

The English Department strengthens the liberal education of students by developing a deepened understanding of language and literacy, the value of critical reading and effective writing, and the richness of literature, past and present.
To foster knowledge and love for literature and language in students. To provide students in all emphasized areas with a coherent curricular framework and relevant, well-structured course choices. To teach a variety of literary, analytical, pedagogical and theoretical skills. To teach students to speak, read, and write effectively. To encourage students to think deeply and to reflect on what they have learned.
Program Educational Objectives (PEO)
PEO-1: Proficiency- Graduates will demonstrate comprehensive knowledge of literature in their chosen domain. They will describe a range of literary techniques and rhetorical strategies used in texts, including their relationship to audience, purpose and cultural context.
PEO-2: Analytical Approach – Graduates will be able to recognize poetry from a variety of cultures, languages and historic periods. Understand and appreciate poetry as a literary art form. Analyze the various elements of poetry, such as diction, tone, form, genre, imagery, figures of speech, symbolism, theme, etc. Broaden their vocabularies and to develop an appreciation of literature.
PEO-3: Education for Learning- Graduates will showcase leadership qualities and diverse learning by cultivating versatile skills of teamwork, morality, ethics, communication and analytical skills.
PEO-4: Prospective Employment and Career Prospects-To empower graduates for employment in the fields of translation, content writing, teaching and orient them for research and higher studies.
Program Outcomes (PO)
The Program Outcomes will help students to:
PO-1: Literary History- Demonstrate knowledge of literary terms, major periods, authors, genres, and theories.
PO-2: Critical Analysis- Produce original insights about literature in a variety of forms, styles, structures and modes in scholarly practices with compelling explanatory power.
PO-3: History of Literature- Show knowledge of major literary works, periods, genres, and critical approaches to Indian, American, and World Literature.
PO-4: Multi Disciplinary Approach- Articulate the relations among culture, history and texts.

PO-5: English Language Teaching- Be adept at teaching of English Language and Literature as a career option.
PO-6: Creative and Academic Writing- Produce creative writing, rhetoric and composition for diverse needs of students and community nationally and internationally. Develop their critical thinking skills and creativity. Enhance their writing skills.


PROGRAM EDUCATIONAL OBJECTIVES (PEOs) Program Outcomes (POs) & Program Specific Outcomes (PSOs) B.A. Political Science (Pass Course & Honours)

  • Vision
    Develop a deep quest for life-long learning that will help them discover the unique contentment of intellectual learning.
  • To instil reflective and innovative perspective to learning and problem solving.
  • Prepare the students to become responsible citizens.
  • To make the students cultivate critical thinking and build rigorous and persuasive arguments.
  • To produce ethically conscious mind that would help them to be creative and build constructive approaches to the challenges faced by them either individually or socially.
    Program Educational Objectives (PEOs)
    The graduates will
  • PEO1: Be acquainted with the basic normative and contemporary concepts and ideas of Political Theory; assess the contribution of key ancient and modern Indian and Western political thinkers and their relevance to contemporary times.
  • PEO2: Be familiarized with the legal and philosophical framework of the political system in India, and simultaneously study in detail the political structure both Constitutional and Administrative including Public and Local Administration.
  • PEO3: Be exposed to a comprehensive introduction to the most important multilateral political organization in International Relations along with the various Issues in World Politics viz, terrorism, human rights, and environmental issues etc.
  • PEO4: Learn how to study the major political systems of the world by adopting a comparative approach.
  • PEO5: Acquire a comprehensive analysis of the traditional and social organisations of the Hill people of Northeast India. It also highlights the administrative provisions made for the Hill people during the British rule.

Program Outcomes (POs)
At the end of the B.A (Political Science) programme, graduates will be able to

PO1: Strengthen the understanding and appreciation of the rights and privileges granted by the Indian Constitution, and become aware of the political processes and the actual functioning of the political system.

PO2: To acquaint with the dynamics of Indian Administration.
PO3: Preparation for civil service and competitive examinations.
PO4: Identify issues such as caste, communalism and regionalism and critically assesses their impact on the political processes.

PO5: Determine the differences and similarities between the various constitutional arrangements both in Western-European countries, as well as functioning of Asia-African and Latin American countries.

PO6: Understand the reorganisation of the Hills areas under the Indian constitution after Independence and the contemporary issues and challenges in Northeast viz, ethnicity, separatist movement, and underdevelopment etc.

Program Specific Outcomes (PSOs)
PSO1: Develop a broader and deeper understanding of politics and political science.
PSO2: Acquire the skills necessary to think critically and communicate effectively about politics.
PSO3: Cultivate a commitment to engaged citizenship and a just society.


PROGRAM EDUCATIONAL OBJECTIVES (PEOs) Program Outcomes (POs) & Program Specific Outcomes (PSOs) B.A HISTORY (Pass Course & Honours)


• To create a life of awareness, fulfilment and responsible citizenship.
• A passion for learning about the past; enable them to gain a better understanding of the contemporary world and make connection to the future.

• Deep study of past using the particular skills of historical thinking.
• Careful attention to evidence, drawn from a wide variety of source material.
Program Educational Objectives (PEOs)
The programme educational objective of the undergraduate programme in hisotry take into consideration the university mission and the constituents’ needs by producing graduates who, in their first years after graduation, will be able to:
1. Familiarize the social, economic, political and cultural developments in India from prehistory upto the Delhi Sultanate, focusing on socioeconomic developments and not on dynastic history, with elements of change and continuity in Indian history. Study the trends and developments in India during the Mughal and the British periods, emphasising on Socio-Economic and cultural patterns in understanding the polity and society upto the National Movement from 1850 to 1950.

2. Study the major developments in the world from the decline of the feudal age to the French revolution. Explore major developments in the modern world during the two World Wars that led to the emergence of the Cold War Era.

3. Familiarize with the major trends of the Political, Social and Economic Developments in North East India from 1822 to the reorganization of States 1972 viz, First Anglo-Burmese War and the Treaty of Yandaboo, Consolidation of British Rule in the Hills-Khasi, Garo, Mizo Hills etc.

4. Explore the colonization of South East Asia by European Powers and related developments such as the Dutch in the Archipelago; British in Burma and Malaya; Spanish and American Power in the Philippines, the French in Indo-China, and beginnings of Nationalism in South East Asia upto the Rise and Fall of Japanese power in South East Asia.

5. Understand the major political, economic, social and military forces that shaped the history of the USA from colonial days to the second world war.

6. Familiarize the students on Political History of the Naga from Pre-Colonial to State Formation viz, Pre-Colonial Naga Polity, British contact with Naga, Formation of Club 1918, Naga Resistance Movement-1951 to 1953. Along with the history of Christianity in Nagaland from its beginning in the nineteenth century upto 1972.

7. Study of ancient history to the nature of archaeological data, its method and the multidisciplinary approaches to the study of past societies under the themes viz., Basic concepts in Archaeology, Field methods, Reconstruction and Interpretation of evidence and Archaeology in India.

Programe Outcome (POs)

1. Demonstrate knowledge of the chronology, narrative, major events, personalities and turning points of the history of the India.

2. Provide multi-causal explanations of major historical developments based on a contextualized analysis of Modern World History.

3. Correctly extract evidence from primary sources on Naga History by analyzing and evaluating them in relation to their present cultural context and use that evidence to build and support an argument.

4. Evaluate secondary historical sources through the study of British Indian history by analyzing them in relation to the evidence that supports them, and other secondary historical literature.

5. Present orally their conclusion on an argument or a summary of scholars findings in an organized, coherent, and compelling manner.

Programme Specific Outcomes(PSOs)
1. After completion of this course they gather knowledge about the socio-cultural heritage of India and world as well.

2. Help to grow national and international understanding among history students.

3. Careers options for students to engage as educators, archivists, producers of multimedia material and even as a researcher in historic Sites and Museums, Historical Organizations, Cultural Resources Management and Historic Preservation etc.

4. History helps them in knowing the past people, their culture, their religions, and their social systems, and transforms them into responsible citizens to make a better future.