Program Outcomes (POs) & Program Specific Outcomes (PSOs) B.Sc. Botany (Pass Course & Honours)

Determined to play a major role in expanding the knowledge about Plant sciences and continue
to produce professionals.
To instil the students with knowledge and to promote practical skills in the field of botany so as
to develop a centre of excellence.
To produce that can quality students fulfil the feature needs.

Course Outcomes 

  • Students will be able to explain how plants function at the level of tissue, flowerdevelopment. Drawing upon this knowledge, they will be able to give specific examples of the physiological adaptations, development, reproduction and mode of life cycle & different forms of plants.
  • Students will be able to use the evidence of comparative biology to explain how the theory of evolution offers the scientific explanation for the unity and diversity of life on earth. They will be able to use specific examples to interpret how modification has shaped plant morphology, physiological and life history of different plants.
  • Students will be able to explain the ecological interconnectedness of life on earth by touring energy and nutrient flow through the environment. They will be able to relate the physical features of the environment to the Structure of populations Communities and ecosystems.
  • Students will be able to demonstrate proficiency in the experimental techniques & methods analysis appropriate for their area” of Specialization within the subject.
  • Students will be able to identify relevant works for a particular topic & evaluate the scientific context of these works.
  • Students will learn to gain knowledge about various plants of economic we, understand the role of plants in human welfare & know importance of plants & plant products.
  • Students will creates a favorable attitude towards mushrooms Cultivation and will also help them to understand its economic importance and source of livelihood.
  • Students will be able to compare & contrast the characteristics of plants, algae and fungi that differentiate them from each other & from other form of life.