• It aims to study the connection between the man and its environment.
  • It aims to check the exploitation towards the environment.
  • It aims to maintain the balance in the environment.
  • It aims to educate people about the environmental problems.


  • To spread awareness among the people about environmental problems.
  • To make people know about the impact of environmental degradation.
  • To develop ethical sense of feeling for the environment.
  • To encourage people to protect the environment for future generations
  • To learn thoroughly about the importance of environment.
  • To develop pragmatic ways to curb polluting the environment.
  • To honour the nature for its wide range and variety of supplies for human needs.
  • To explore the importance of physical and biological dimension of environment.
  • To be acquainted with knowledge to foresee the future outcome of any harm done towards the environment.
  • To be able to develop easy ways to eradicate actions that harms the environment.

To educate the uneducated about the importance of environment.

  • To strengthen the foundation of environmental education in the form of manners.
  • To understand about the social, ethical, aesthetic and option value of the nature.
  • To enjoy the benefit of protecting the environment.
  • To pledge to make our environment a better place not only for humans but also for plants and animals.